トップカフェ・教師宅でマンツーマンレッスン教師紹介 一覧 > Simon 先生


Simon 先生

# 4430 Simon 2


  • 英語
  • # 4430
  • オーストラリア・カナダ
  • 男性
  • 荻窪
  • 1時間3,000円から
  • 2年
  • 片言レベル
  • ヴィジュアル・アート、サーフィン
Hello, I’m a teacher and have been based in Tokyo almost two years now from Adelaide, South Australia.
I am highly motivated, organised and resourceful, with a passion for working with people.
Through my previous experience as an after school teacher, I have developed excellent communication skills and am well versed in the art of negotiation, mediation and conflict resolution.
I also hold a Bachelor of Visual Arts majoring in painting from the university Adelaide Central School of Art, which was an intensive four year program with a large theory and writing component.

