トップカフェ・教師宅でマンツーマンレッスン教師紹介 一覧 > Gabriel 先生


Gabriel 先生

#5806 Gabriel


  • 英語、スペイン語
  • # 5806
  • アメリカ (ミシガン州出身)
  • 男性
  • 下北沢駅
  • 1時間3,000円から
  • 3年
  • 片言レベル
  • フルート
As an energetic and experienced educator, I work to possess the desired qualities sought by respectable, high-standard organizations. With each position I accept, I show my worth through punctuality, responsibility, and the uniquely creative ideas I bring to the environment. I pursue a path to reinforce my competence as a teacher, exude my vitality in the classroom, bolster an inviting attitude with content management, and increase the energy I apply at all times in between! Through this pursuit, I am reminded that the most lively, resourceful, and engaging educators are the ones whose instruction are remembered the clearest.

